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I'm working on my products categories list.
What I'd like to do on my homepage only is show the 1st and 2nd level categories, eg:
Top level cat 1
sub cat 1
sub cat 2
sub cat 3
sub cat 4
Top level cat 2
sub cat 1
sub cat 2
sub cat 3
sub cat 4
At the moment I'm using "Two-level list with subcategories" for my menu which produces this result:
sub cat 1
sub cat 2
sub cat 3
sub cat 4
sub cat 1
sub cat 2
sub cat 3
sub cat 4
As you can see the top level categories are not shown.
If I choose Tree-type menu I get this:
Top level cat 1
Top level cat 2
And if I choose "Multi-level list with all categories" I get this:
Top level cat 1
sub cat 1
sub cat 1
sub cat 1
sub cat 2
sub cat 3
sub cat 4
sub cat 5
sub cat 6
sub cat 7
sub cat 2
sub cat 3
sub cat 4
sub cat 2
sub cat 1
sub cat 2
sub cat 3
sub cat 4
sub cat 3
sub cat 1
sub cat 2
sub cat 3
sub cat 4
sub cat 4
sub cat 1
sub cat 2
sub cat 3
sub cat 4
Top level cat 2
sub cat 1
sub cat 1
sub cat 2
sub cat 3
sub cat 2
sub cat 3
....etc, you get the picture.
But I don't want to show ALL of my categories on the homepage, just the first 2 levels.
Does anyone have an idea of how I can achieve what I'm after?
Many thanks in advance.
Answering my own question, I've sorted out the code for this.
As I'm using "Two-level list with subcategories" menu I have edited block_categories_catalog.html and added in the following line:
<a class="title {restricted_class}" href="{list_url}" title="{a_title}">{catalog_top_name}</a>