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Viart Shop Hosted Edition


Our free 30-day trial of Viart Shop is ideal for those who want to test out a shopping cart, without any hassle or commitment whatsoever.

Our trial is a fully functional version of ViArt Shop aiming to provide an opportunity to assess its full range of advanced features hands-on.


Username: (please choose a user name)

Domain name: (e.g. your-website.com)
Free Shipping
Key features include:
Fully featured Shopping Cart
Advanced purchase calculations: bulk, trade and valued customer discounts
Completely web-based content administration system (CMS)
Real-time stock level management system
Web-based product detail manager
User and Administrator account manager
Multiple payment systems (Verisign, Paypal and WorldPay, etc.)
Off line Credit card payment handling system
Downloadable products: Especially useful for MP3 and eBook stores
Encrypted database passwords for added protection against hacker
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Enterprise Edition contains all the features of its more expensive competitors:
Upcoming Events board
Customer reviews and ratings options
News board for latest site and product news
Custom opinion polls with graphical bar chart results
Image Upload Facility for companies producing custom merchandise
Fully featured, 'ticketed' Helpdesk / Customer Support System
Customer discussion forum
Compatible with
Google checkout PayPal
Protx YourPay
iDEAL E-Gold
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