Our site www.viart.com site is operated by latest Viart Shop 5 with default Clear design
Topic Information
I would like to know if it is possible to add "Banners" to the header section alongside the logo?
Last modified: 2 Nov 2006 4:06 PM
Unfortunately, our Banners' block can't be added to header by using CMS but it's possible to add it manually by changing header scripts. Please, follow the instructions below:
Add the code below to header.php:
include_once ("./block_banners.php");
banners_group("banners_header", group_id, number, params);
"banner_header" is a block name to work out to show banners;
group_id - banners' group identificator, it can be seen in Banners Groups in admin area;
number - number of banners to show;
params - list of params of which banners' displaying is depending. It's not obligatory parameter
Add somewhere to header.html: {banners_header}
ViArt Support Team
December (Guest)
December (Guest)
ooo this was helpful too, thanks!
""banner_header" is a block name to work out to show banners;"
where I find that?
Some corrections to the provided solution.
In order to place banner block in header we need to do the following changes to source code of ViArt Shop.
1. templates/user/header.html
Add the following code to any place where you want banner to be displayed.
<!-- begin header_banners -->{block_body}<!-- end header_banners -->
2. header.php:
Add this line in the beginning of the file:
include_once ("./block_banners.php");
Add the following line
banners_group("header_banners", 1);
$t->parse("header", false);
"header_banners" is the name of banner's block that we created before,
1 is banners' group identifier, can be acquired from the page Administration > Banners Management > Banners Groups in ViArt Shop admin panel.
ViArt Support Team
mina (Guest)
mina (Guest)
hi! this was helpful.
may i know if it's possible to add the login block (block_login) inside the header as well?
Ibn Saeed
Ibn Saeed
Hello Eugene,
I am trying to move the "View Cart" and "Checkout Button" from products_details page to the "header.html"
What changes are to be made ?
1) . I added
at the beginning of header.php file
2). I added $t->sparse("view_button", false);
$t->set_file("header", "header.html");
3). I added this in header.html
<!-- begin view_button -->
<a class="button" id="view" href="{basket_href}?rp={rp_url}"><span>{VIEW_CART_MSG}</span><img src="images/tr.gif" align="absmiddle" alt="{VIEW_CART_MSG}"></a>
<!-- end view_button -->
What have I missed ?