I upgraded from 3.4.7 to 3.5 and all the privileges are OK.
I do not see button saying "Upgrade your Database to version 3.5"
I see DB ERROR 1054 just when I try to edit or add a product in admin panel as follows:
We are very sorry, but an error has occurred while processing your request. Please try the operation again by either pressing the Refresh button on your browser, or by going back one page using the Back button. If the error persists, please contact our web development team.
The details of the error are shown below. Please quote this in any correspondance regarding this problem.
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Database error: Invalid SQL: SELECT user_id, is_showing, is_approved, item_type_id, item_code, item_name, friendly_url, item_order, manufacturer_id, manufacturer_code, weight, issue_date, is_compared, tax_free, language_code, google_base_type_id, is_price_edit, price, price_id, trade_price, trade_price_id, is_sales, sales_price, sales_price_id, trade_sales, trade_sales_id, discount_percent, buying_price, buying_price_id, properties_price, properties_price_id, merchant_fee_type, merchant_fee_amount, affiliate_commission_type, affiliate_commission_amount, template_name, hide_add_list, hide_add_details, hide_add_table, hide_add_grid, preview_url, preview_width, preview_height, features, short_description, full_desc_type, full_description, meta_title, meta_keywords, meta_description, is_special_offer, special_offer, tiny_image, tiny_image_alt, small_image, small_image_alt, big_image, big_image_alt, super_image, is_recurring, recurring_period, recurring_interval, recurring_payments_total, recurring_start_date, recurring_end_date, is_points_price, points_price, reward_type, reward_amount, credit_reward_type, credit_reward_amount, stock_level, use_stock_level, hide_out_of_stock, disable_out_of_stock, min_quantity, max_quantity, quantity_increment, is_shipping_free, shipping_cost, shipping_in_stock, shipping_out_stock, shipping_rule_id, total_views, votes, points, notes, buy_link, downloadable, download_period, download_path, download_show_terms, download_terms_text, generate_serial, serial_period, activations_number, mail_notify, mail_to, mail_from, mail_cc, mail_bcc, mail_reply_to, mail_return_path, mail_subject, mail_type, mail_body, sms_notify, sms_recipient, sms_originator, sms_message, admin_id_added_by, admin_id_modified_by, date_added, date_modified, user_types_all, sites_all FROM va_items WHERE item_id=3
MySQL Error: Unknown column 'quantity_increment' in 'field list'