Our site www.viart.com site is operated by latest Viart Shop 5 with default Clear design
Topic Information
I'd like to share some experience made with the Viart basket page. We had below average sales and thus asked some people that tried to buy why the did not succeed.
The main issue was the lack of a clear "Proceed to checkout" button on the basket page. It seems the standard "Checkout" text link is not clear enough.
We removed the save card and retrieve cart options to make the buy process really easy and added a big fat graphic in red (elegant of course).
The result is a noticeable increase in order closures. This shows how important it is to customize the pages.
I found a very interesting link with an analysis of "Checkout" buttons on shop pages: http://www.pitstopmedia.com/sem/checkout-buttons-design
Hope this info is useful and wish you all Happy $€lling.
Very informative and good suggestions. This is the kind of stuff we need to share with each other.
block_checkout_login.html (4Kb)  ned_openaccount.gif (1Kb)  ned_checkout.gif (1Kb)  
I followed Dicks excellent suggestion and changed our checkout to an image but then thought the next page in the process could do with the same treatment.
Ive attached a new "block_checkout_login.html" file and two graphics to go into "images/ "to see what people think.
Please note the section headings are "hardwired" as the various messages files would need to be updated - so its only in English.
Al;so please note this login html is suitable for sites with just one "User Type". Ive posted below with a multi user file.
Last modified: 6 Mar 2009 8:35 AM
Excellent feedback Ned, will give it a try. After you went live with this did you sales pick up or failure decrease?
block_checkout_login.html (4Kb)  
Hi Dick,
Ive only just put it up so won't notice improvements until later as we have low volume sales.
BTW Ive uploaded _a different_ version of "block_checkout_login.html" here which deals with multi "User Types". See the post above.
Im now looking at replacing the "Add to Cart" texts with a button to provide a similar looking style so theres a psychological link between that and the checkout.
ico-buynow.gif (3Kb)  
Yes, we use a different button for the add to cart which really sticks out. Color wise we will need to do some thinking how to adapt it but for now it is ok.
We recoloured your buttons to our CI and seems to work well. I really think splitting up the login page in three areas is an excellent idea.
spike (Guest)
spike (Guest)
I'm interested on doing the same in the basket page but i don't know how to do it, i replaced the image and didn't worked. i was able to do it in the block_checkout.html. Can somebody guide me to make these link a button?
<a class="buttonBasket button-shopping" id="shopping" href="{rp_href}"><b><span>{CONTINUE_SHOPPING_MSG}</span></b><img src="images/tr.gif" alt="{CONTINUE_SHOPPING_MSG}"></a>
thank you
spike (Guest)
spike (Guest)
no suggestions?
Hi Spike,
The reason its not showing up is because in many of the supplied ViArt layouts the buttons have CSS settings of, for example:
a.button-shopping img {display:none;}
which stops images loading. This you need to comment out.
Or set the display to "inline" like this:
a.button-shopping img {display:inline;}
freezer (Guest)
freezer (Guest)
I think a setting within Viart to choose between text or button links would be good. With the option to upload new images to replace the default button images provided .
To start with maybe the links shown in
Administration > Products > Products Settings > Appearance
Can somebody also please confirm which html file needs changing in 3.5 not 3.6 as I cannot find block_checkout.html
and any help with how this line of text will end up so that an image appears.,
You need to change the file "block_basket.html" in your template folder.
Also what Ned changed is the "block_login.html", also in the template folder.