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Live Search cashback Merchant Integration Guide.pdf (849Kb)  
We've been enrolling in a CPA program called Microsoft Live Search Cashback, which involves inserting tracking pixels into order confirmation page. I attached the official Microsoft Live Search Cashback integration guide here. Now here is the problem: Microsoft Live Search Cashback tells me that my pixels are wrong, and sent me the following explanation:
I got suggestions below for your reference. Hope it helps.
I’m not sure what is wrong, as every implementation is very different (ASP.NET, JSP, various CMS, etc.). This appears to be pre-rendered source code that sits on the server.
1) They have pipe characters where the single apostrophes should be. Maybe that is how their system works, but you should confirm it.
2) They need to substitute their system variables for the ones in our code. e.g. They probably have their own system variable name for ORDER_NUMBER, ITEM_PRODUCT_ID, etc.. These normally are the variables used in the shopping cart.
3) They will have to use some type of a loop to iterate through the items, instead of “FOR EACH PURCHASED ITEM...”.
Could anyone here help us understand what the above tech talk means and how can we successfully implement the tracking pixels for use in the Microsoft Live Search Cashback program please? Thank you very much.
they are asking for a lot more than a tracking pixlel since the documents show they want you to to report line items rather than order totals. the pixel gets triggered each time a line item is displayed.
For the basic stuff the 'order confirmation page" in the payment system allows you to access the basic items like order number, and the various totals, but will not allow you to access the line items of the method listed in the microsoft document without programing changes