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agdm619 (Guest)
agdm619 (Guest)
I'm running ViArt enterprise 3.3.2
When using the download.php if the file is over 70mb I get "The connection to the server was reset"
Here is the link using the download.php you can try it for yourself.
Now here is a link to a page with the same download you can "save target as" and it downloads fine.
Is there any updates to the download.php to address this? Or is this something eles?
Thanks for all your help!
agdm619 (Guest)
agdm619 (Guest)
Does anybody have a suggestion? or a fix?
Wall Bash
I have the problem with trying to import products...
agdm619 (Guest)
agdm619 (Guest)
Could someone please help...?
I have found that I get "The connection to the server was reset" error when trying to download a downloadable product that is over 60-70mb.
In my first post above, is a download that is from a product in our store they get the link on screen after check out, or via email link. Every time a customer downloads a product that is 60 to 70mb they get “The connection to the server was reset”.
If I send them a link that downloads straight off the server like the second link in my first post the download runs beautifully. So by that, I know my Windows 2003 IIS 6.0 server is running fine. Otherwise my download would fail in the same way as using the download.php file.
I really could use some help in this matter.
agdm619 - when you have an unresolveable problem like this I would recommend raising a support ticket and get Viart to help Wink
I had a look at download.php and i can see a few places where the time limit is reset. I havent looked into what that actually does, but if one is being set to 300 and one to 30, I would just change both to something bigger and see if that helps ;) I take no responsibility for this suggestion. It is just what I will probably try first when I have the same problem. Does it seem to reset around 30 seconds ??
// imitate fseek for remote files
// reset time limit for big files @set_time_limit(30);
Also just generally when these sort of problems happen it is good to check with your hosting company some of the PHP configuration settings.
Some of the settings that might be having an effect:
the guys on this forum actually go through those limits in detail.
agdm619 (Guest)
agdm619 (Guest)
After going back and forth with support for a few months this issue was fixed by changing my PHP config to run in ISAPI mode instead of CGI Mode in IIS. I also have noticed that my PHP pages load faster and the over all performance of the store has increased since the switch over.
Thanks Support Broad grin