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Anyone else notice this?
When using the standard "Detailed Listing" option the product thumbs are "Small"
When using the "Table View" option, the product images are tiny.
I'm trying to figure out how to make the Table View thumbs "small" instead of "tiny".. looked at the code in block_products_list.html vs block_products_table_view.html and can't seem to spot it..
Its interesting theres no "images/tiny" folder in the current 3.5 distribution and trying to upload to it gives a "..doesnt exists" error.
jty (Guest)
jty (Guest)
Ned, I don't use the upload feature. I ftp my images. I find it much easier for me as I have changed my images folder structure
Alkatrez, it's in blocks_products_list.php
Around line 98 or thereabouts or search for the phrase "if ($products_default_view == "table")"
If the view is "table" Viart uses tiny,
Otherwise, it uses small
The other way is simply to put the small image URl into the tiny image field in admin. Make sure this way doesn't muck something else up
There it is, thanks a ton jty!
This is an issue we've been working with and around for a few months. For us we paid to have our product listing changed to use the small images, but always thought this should be an option that admins could change, not be hard coded into the application.
Supposedly with the next version of viart they will roll what we paid for into the release for everyone.
Dan (Guest)
Dan (Guest)
Why don't you just change the size that the images are being created as and default it to the same size as the small. Then when generated, it will be the same image?
because, we want to use those small images in other parts of the cart. we want different size images, just not on the product listing page. it doesn't make sense to hard code ANY variable--and the size of an image is a variable.
How can I override the "products_default_view" value?
I need to use the detailed view, but for resellers I want to show the products in table view for easy ordering.
Is there a way to pass the table value to the script?
The "/products.php?products_default_view=table" is not working... :(