Our site www.viart.com site is operated by latest Viart Shop 5 with default Clear design
Topic Information
Few bugs:
1) Unit prices are rounded to the nearest dollar at checkout.
2) "Open account and check out (Customer)" Link is incorrect on page http://www.yoursite.com/checkout.php.
URL http://www.yoursite.com/user_profile.php?return_page=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yoursite.com%2Forder_info.php&type=1 ...should be... http://www.yoursite.com/user_profile.php?type=1
Ibn Saeed
Ibn Saeed
Regarding the second bug you listed.
I checked the OPen account link and it works fine, it takes me to the registration page.
Did i miss something ?
Ibn, you need to follow the link through your checkout page, that's where the link is malformed, we fixed it ourselves, but it should be done in production as well.
Since this is the path taken by a first time or one time clients, it is one that would be presented a lot. 404 errors are never good!
wazoodle (Guest)
wazoodle (Guest)
Canada Post XML Module picks appropriate services, but does not return any costs.
UPS XML module is not working. It returns a couple of errors:
Notice: Undefined variable: cart_items in /home/mysite/public_html/shipping/ups.php on line 8
Warning: Invalid argument supplied for foreach() in /home/mysite/public_html/shipping/ups.php on line 8
then when http://www.wazoodle.net/order_info.php generates teh page, it is blank Product column. Prices, totals, taxes, payment options and all address info is gone.
You might want to check out your about us page and change the following. It contains information about Amazon.com
For security reasons, we can only modify orders or send account information when the request comes from the e-mail address that is associated with your Amazon.com account. We can only read and respond to messages in English
wazoodle (Guest)
wazoodle (Guest)
wazoodle.net is a sandbox site. We run viart and 2 others there, mostly for developer demos and human factors testing. We leave the static content as supplied by the cart vendor unless we're testing that part of the system - the About us page is the standard issue from Viart.
zetlander (Guest)
zetlander (Guest)
I'd be interested to know how you fixed the following bug:
2) "Open account and check out (Customer)" Link is incorrect on page http://www.yoursite.com/checkout.php.
URL http://www.yoursite.com/user_profile.php?return_page=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.yoursite.com%2Forder_info.php&type=1 ...should be... http://www.yoursite.com/user_profile.php?type=1
I've contacted Viart support for a solution but they suggested I contacted my host as it is caused by "prohibition of extra links in the main link"
Have also installed Viart demo on two other servers and the same problem exists so I think the problem lies in the scripting.
Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
toontitan (Guest)
toontitan (Guest)
I'm with HostGator Tech Support. I just spend 40mins going over a customers server settings. The issue lies in your REGEXP functions that rewrite the URL. The customer was able to rewrite her url herself manually and get to the page so its not an issue with "extra links" in the main link. That's not even a technical term. e have verified this and the bug is definitely in the coding side.