Our site www.viart.com site is operated by latest Viart Shop 5 with default Clear design
Topic Information
Jaysbar (Guest)
Jaysbar (Guest)
I have 2 questions. Both relate to how the Viart site I am testing looks different when I have my PC set at different resolutions.
If I have my PC set at aroun 1280x760 - there are NO borders on my site and it fills the entire page. If I set it at something like 1600x1050 (which is what I use) then I have a thick border each side of the site.
1. Can I make the site stretch to whatever the customer uses (anything form 800x600 to I guess 2000x1200)
2. How can I make the borders be an image instead of a colour? I.e if I wanted a curtain going top to bottm each side? Malikstores - maybe you know?
Yes, right now in your .css stylsheet, you have width's in px, whereas what you're looking for is for it to be in %.
This should solve what you're trying to accomplish.
vazueli (Guest)
vazueli (Guest)
Hi Dan
How to change the .css style sheet from px to % ?