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zhuzhu (Guest)
zhuzhu (Guest)
i am using 3.6 viart store
when you try to do a keyword search i got this error
i just cancelled some personal data from copy paste.
We are very sorry, but an error has occurred while processing your request. Please try the operation again by either pressing the Refresh button on your browser, or by going back one page using the Back button. If the error persists, please contact our web development team.
The details of the error are shown below. Please quote this in any correspondance regarding this problem.
Page URL: http://*****/store/admin/admin_orders.php?s_os_list=12&s_on=&s_ne=zhuzhuebay%40gmail.com&s_kw=supercard&s_sd=&s_ed=&s_os=&s_ci=& s_si=&s_cct=&s_ex=
Referrer URL: http://www.*****/store/admin/admin_orders.php?s_os_list=12&s_on=&s_ne=*****&s_kw=&s_sd=&s_ed=&s_os=&s_ci=&s_si=&s_cct=&s_ex=
Database error: Invalid SQL: SELECT o.order_id, o.order_placed_date, os.status_name, o.goods_total, o.order_total, o.remote_address, o.name, o.first_name, o.last_name, o.country_id, o.delivery_country_id, o.state_id, o.delivery_state_id, o.currency_code, o.currency_rate, c.symbol_right, c.symbol_left, c.decimals_number, c.decimal_point, c.thousands_separator FROM ((((((va_orders o LEFT JOIN va_order_statuses os ON o.order_status=os.status_id) LEFT JOIN va_currencies c ON o.currency_code=c.currency_code) INNER JOIN va_orders_items oi ON o.order_id=oi.order_id) LEFT JOIN va_orders_items_serials ois ON o.order_id=ois.order_id) LEFT JOIN va_orders_serials_activations osa ON o.order_id=osa.order_id) ) WHERE o.email='***** AND (oi.item_name LIKE '%supercard%' OR oi.item_properties LIKE '%supercard%' OR ois.serial_number='supercard' OR osa.generation_key='supercard' OR osa.activation_key='supercard' OR o.shipping_type_desc LIKE '%supercard%') AND (os.is_list=1 OR os.is_list IS NULL) GROUP BY o.order_id, o.order_placed_date, os.status_name, o.goods_total, o.order_total, o.name, o.remote_address, o.first_name, o.last_name, o.country_id, o.delivery_country_id, o.state_id, o.delivery_state_id, o.currency_code, o.currency_rate, c.symbol_right, c.symbol_left, c.decimals_number, c.decimal_point, c.thousands_separator, sti.site_name ORDER BY o.order_id DESC LIMIT 0, 25
MySQL Error: Unknown column 'sti.site_name' in 'group statement'
for any keyword the problem is same