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Ralph (Guest)
Ralph (Guest)
I have read that viart has built in google cart for ecommerce tracking. When I look in the footer.html, all I see is the standard tracking code for analytics...not for ecommerce tracking.
According to google, the following needs to be added after the analytics code:
* _addItem(orderId, sku, name, category, price, quantity)
* _addTrans(orderId, affiliation, total, tax, shipping, city, state, country)
* _trackTrans()
I dont' see this code in viart footer file.
Has anyone set up ecommerce tracking in viart? I do not use google check out.
If you have set it up properly, please sent the code. Basically, all I need are teh parameter names that Viart uses.
Please note, google ecommerce tracking tracks allows the ability to track keywords to actually sales.
NTM (Guest)
NTM (Guest)
Ralph, I haven't but this sounds like a feature that Viart needs to add, or provide the user base the coding for. Other carts already have done this or are planning to in the near future.
To mention a few...
Either have it built in, or have the code available to their users.
BTW, I'm all for Viart making money on custom programming, but this is a vital feature for all users, and something that needs to be provided for Viart to remain competitive.
I think the code you are looking for is located in the
those three methods available there
I don't know
ralph (Guest)
ralph (Guest)
hmmm, thank you for the guidance...I looked in the final.html and found the below. I will have to study this because while the addtrans and add item are there, I wonder if it is correct? I never once got any analytics through google ecom until I actually I started testing code variations in the actual footer file. I see the call out to the footer file in this code.
What puzzles me are the parameter names viart is using in the code below. These are different from what I used and yet, what I used seemed to do something in the ecom reported than what has been done before.
Now I am very confused. Not to belabor the point, but I thought the parameter that ViARt uses for the item code is "item_code" not "google_sku_code"
Does what I am writing make sense? I mean it simple looks like all ViArt did was add the workd "google" to the front of each parameter...please look at this link:
Anyway, I have tried to get ViARt to respond this my ecom tracking for more than 2 weeks and nothing. So frustrating.
If anybody is successfully using ecommerce tracking through google, by which I mean it is tracking keywords, traffic, conversion, etc, then I would be happy to pay for someone to show me how to set it up. Likewise to the person who can show me how to successfully set up google base/merchant.
<!-- begin final_google_analytics -->
<script type="text/javascript">
"{google_order_id}", "{google_affiliation}", "{google_total}", "{google_tax}",
"{google_shipping}", "{google_city}", "{google_state}", "{google_country}"
<!-- begin google_items -->
"{google_order_id}", "{google_sku_code}", "{google_item_name}",
"{google_category}", "{google_price}", "{google_quantity}"
);<!-- end google_items -->
<!-- end final_google_analytics -->
Mediadot (Guest)
Mediadot (Guest)
This feature was working about 1 year ago. Maybe Google changed its requirments, or syntax, so Viart no longer meets them.
Viart Crew! Please solve this problem, cause this is easier to use the built-in feature, than customise the code...