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emresonmez (Guest)
emresonmez (Guest)
I am opening this topic so that everyone can benefit from.
I use a language where we have characters such as "öÖ, ıI, şŞ, iİ, ğĞ, çÇ, üÜ"
In our case:
öÖ = oO
ıI = iI
şŞ = sS
iİ = iI
ğĞ = gG
çÇ = cC
üÜ = uU
Rıght now, I have a category name called "?ocuk Ayakkabı", and the friendly URL for that category is "ocuk_ayakkab" which is wrong. Google search engine for example converts these characters in latin alphabet.
What should I do for this?
I made a research and saw some people with same problems. One of them sugegsted:
function sef_url( $string )
$word_separator = $this->settings->sef_word_separator;
if( $word_separator == '' )
$word_separator = '-';
$find = array('ı','ğ','ü','ş','İ','ö','ç','Ğ','Ü','Ş','Ö', 'Ç');
$change = array("i", "g", "u", "s", "I", "o", "c", "G", "U", "S", "O", "C");
$string = str_replace($find, $change, $string);
return str_replace(' ', '-', $string);
Can I use this in ViArt? Or what code should I use? Do I need to edit the .htaccess file?
Last modified: 25 Jan 2008 9:54 PM
Any suggestions from ViArt reps?