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zhu (Guest)
zhu (Guest)
I got about 13 orders.
3 are correctly paid with paypal and validated
7 are new orders placed but not paid
3 have paypal errors , failed orders give me Error:
Can't obtain transaction token parameter. , last one pending order give Pending:
Can't connect to PayPal. This order will be review .
i don't think is normal, even because some orders are correctly paid by my customers and myself tried and seems working.
these paypal errors are buyer problem or my viart shop problem?
another question, is possible block orders to appear in orders status not paid by paypal? probably some people click to buy the items but later didn't no pay with paypal, but at end i still have their order placed. no funny
thanks for support
I suggest you put in a ticket to Viart to check you PayPal settings - I use PyPal exclusively and have many orders each day with no problem.
Your last question - when a customer goes through checkout this creates an order (unpaid) - and this changes to paid when the customer completes through PayPal.
I find this very useful - it shows me how many people order but do not complete - it is an opportunity to contact these potential buyers and see whether you can get them to complete the sale.
If you get a lot of unpaid orders you need to ask why - are they having a problem paying - are the put off by delivery charges and do not go further - or whatever?
You have 7 of 13 unpaid - that is a lot and you do need to discover why. You could do a survey of those people and see what you can find out.
Abandonment rates differ considerably from store to store. I remember talking to a Dell lady a few years back, she boasted their checkout abandonment was industry leading at 80%!
7 of 13 unpaid may be good, may not be good - depends on what you are selling. We run a store where the sale is usually 1 item that costs <$10 shipping included - the abandonment rate is near zero. Another with an average checkout of $125 for 11 line items -- abandonment rate is 11% when shipping is free, and 31% when shipping is charged as standard USPS rates.
So, the right abondenment rate depends on many things. Your industry, products, merchandising, mix, prices, customer service, shipping costs...
As for the initial question, it's probably best that orders that do not complete checkout get marked abandoned or pending AND that stock levels are not effected if a client abandons at checkout.
As a reminder, a new feature with 3.5.34 (beta) if you have it, has the recover abandoned carts feature included.
zhu (Guest)
zhu (Guest)
thanks for answer , now i got 15 validated, 10 new order placed and 8 failed order.... same customer before got a failed order with error Can't obtain transaction token parameter. , later 10 minutes he made new order and its validated. problem is too much failed orders... i whish is not my viart store got problems..
i will open a support ticket..
zhu - I had many failed orders which I tracked down to customers using MAESTRO.
PayPal does not recognise this card but you can get around this by setting up the credit card type
Administration > Static Tables > Credit Cards > Edit Credit Card
Credit Card Code SWITCH
Credit Card Name MAESTRO
Worth trying this and see whether it resolves the problem.
zhu (Guest)
zhu (Guest)
i will try it. i thinks it's strange, shouldn't paypal manage customers credit cards type?
today i didn't have failed orders... hope is customers problems.. i will post if find the cause or solution
Your checkout has to identify the card type to PayPal to be able to communicate the data with Paypal.
MAESTRO appears not to be recognised by PayPal which is why you need the fix I gave. I don't know
zhuzhu (Guest)
zhuzhu (Guest)
i tried your fix, still some failed orders with token errors.
at end i will think that is customer side problem or with paypal. most customers can manage to pay with paypal.
however pretty bad have these failed ordersAngry
ewoud (Guest)
ewoud (Guest)
Hi Chris,
I am getting the same error quite a bit. Could you tell me a bit more about your fix and how to implement this?
also zhu: did you ever write to support and get an answer?
zhuzhu (Guest)
zhuzhu (Guest)
ewound: the token failed seems normal, usually customer confirm order, go to paypal page but later cancel the paypal page. pending only one time happened and i cannot explain it. however failed token is normal ...
ewoud (Guest)
ewoud (Guest)
that's odd, I always thought that such an order would get the status: new order placed. I thought the token thing had to do with the fact that paypal is posting back to the site and gets lost somewhere, hence the status:failed. maybe it's a paypal issue that doesn't mix well with viart
please correct me if i'm wrong...
does anybody else have an idea
Amy Jupper (Guest)
Amy Jupper (Guest)
This concerns me because having used Viart when it had less than 1000 customers, I've been with this cart for a while and it's not until recently that the cart returns these token errors and we are supposed to think this is normal? No it isn't. Something is wrong. In testing on V3.6, I get this token error every time I cancel the order at the paypal payment page. I shouldn't get any errors, it should just return to the cart or normal site. Face it, the bigger this script has gotten, the more unfixed, unaddressed, problems it has.
Mike (Guest)
Mike (Guest)
Any resolution to this issue yet?
ditto - any anwsers to how to correct this issue ?
This is a reply I received from VIART:
This error usually happens when a customer clicks 'Cancel' button on PayPal site and is redirected to "cancel_return" URL, during this process the "tx" parameter could get lost. To solve this your "cancel_return" should be set as :
If set correctly then on ./order_final.php there would be the following message instead:
An error:"Your transaction has been canceled"
I had the same problem of Viart saying it failed even though PayPal pro accepted the payment, in June 2009 after I upgraded to version 3.6.
I am in the USA, and this was happening mostly on Canada orders, but I think it was also happening sometimes on other European orders. I talked to PayPal and they helped me realize it only happened when the customer put in a province full name instead of the postal, such as Ontario vs. ON. PayPal told me that almost all US card companies require the 2-letter code, not the full state spelling. About half of the Canadian card transactions require the province code or they will throw an error of some sort.
Anyway, I put a note in my cart to use postal code for provinces, and ViArt issued a patch for me (in June). The problem was fixed. Here is what ViArt wrote me:
"Our programmer has added this change on your site, so you don't have to upload it.
"This patch should work for version 3.6 as well so we have posted it in our patches section on the forum:
"Please note, we regularly update the archive available on our site with new patches so by the time you decide to upgrade it may already include this patch."
Maybe that will help? I've heard other cart companies say that PayPal Pro is a nightmare to program for. But overall I've been really happy with it. I think it's only available in USA and UK.