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Viart Shop - Free Evaluation Download

Buy ViArt PHP Shopping Cart

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Starting from £121.82!

ViArt Shop's Evaluation package includes the following components:

Component Description
Installer A Simple two-stage wizard for configuring the layout style and admin settings
ViArt PHP Shopping Cart A fully functional version of the ViArt Shopping Cart; identical to the retail version.
ViArt CMS ViArt's Content Management System (CMS). Now it's even easier to arrange your site's content and layout using only the browser-based interface.
ViArt Helpdesk A complete Helpdesk solution that's fully integrated with ViArt: Manage and assign support requests easily from within the ViArt admin console.

Stable Version - 5.6 (Build Date: 16 May 2023 8:56 PM)

Download ViArt Shop Evaluation as ZIP archive (15.48 MB)

Download ViArt Shop Evaluation as TAR.GZ archive (13.5 MB)

Experimental Latest Version - 5.8.31 (Build Date: 20 Sep 2023 1:56 AM)

Download ViArt Shop Evaluation as ZIP archive (16.29 MB)

Download ViArt Shop Evaluation as TAR.GZ archive (14.6 MB)

Auto-Upload Script

If you prefer to have the installation done automatically, you can use our free, web based installation utility available here

ViArt Shop System Requirements:
  • A web server (Apache or IIS) where ViArt Shop will be deployed.
  • Your web server should be capable of serving web pages written in PHP (https://www.php.net/).
  • One of the supported databases:
    • MySQL version 3.22.x or higher. (https://www.mysql.com/)
    • PostgreSQL 7.1 or higher (https://www.postgresql.org/)