Our site www.viart.com site is operated by latest Viart Shop 5 with default Clear design
Topic Information
Kevin (Guest)
Kevin (Guest)
I think the ViArt looks great and I can't wait to install it however I am a rookie.
I currently rent space on a sever that uses Linux.
I read the installation instructions but it was confusing to me.
Can anyone recomend a tutorial or simplified instructions. Or an online class showing the basics for Server side etc.
I know once i get it on the server i think i will be able to see how it works...its just getting it on for the first time.
I appreciate it,
phpinfo.php (20 bytes)  
As your remote server is running Linux you will need check Zend Optimizer 2.6.2 or higher is running on it as well as PHP and a database such as MySQL, PostgreSQL or ODBC.
You can check this by uploading the attached file to your server by ftp and then use your web page to go to www."yourdomainnane"/phpinfo.php .
This will give a look at whats installed.
If it hasn't got Zend then you need to ask for it.
The database holds most of the information for your site. The php files you upload communicate with the data, add to it and display it.
If all looks OK then you ftp the ViArt files up to your server. Do this in Binary mode. This is very important. Once there use your ftp program to change the file permissions on the "includes/" folder to "777".
You will need the password for your database in order to create it. The ViArt installation will guide you through the rest.
However as you are experimenting can I suggest you do this locally and create your own server? The advantages are you can "mirror" your eventual public installation and make mistakes and rectify them more easilly as the server is under your control.
If you are running Linux on your home machine you need a "LAMP" Linux, Apache, MySql, PHP package.
On Windows theres EasyPHP http://www.easyphp.org/
On Mac "MAMP" http://www.mamp.info
I develop all my sites locally to test, tweak, change appearance etc and its easier because you have quicker response times (I live in the country) as well as not having to hide experimentation on live sites.
Last modified: 27 Apr 2009 11:44 AM
I too find certain parts confusing.
Here is what I did. I too am on Linux based host site.
First you must have PHP installed on your site. Ensure it has ZEND Optimizer. If your host company assures you that Zend is installed and your site gives you a message that it is not, request ViArt support to look into it.
Setup mysql database on your host site.
Download ViArt (zipped file)
Unzip file on your hard drive.
Upload (in Binary mode) using FTP to your host site.
Does this all make sense so far?
By the way ViArt also has an automated install setup you can use. This will install the software onto your site for you. Did you try that?