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Topic Information
Raaul (Guest)
Raaul (Guest)
We want to add Support Helpdesk to Product Description pages, which can be possible only if we can insert Support Helpdesk code in custom block and include that custom block in product description pages.
Can someone help in this regards, on how can we include Support Helpdesk code in CUSTOM BLOCK ?
What is the code that should be included ?
Allow the php code in custom blocks via global admin and then copy the code from block_support.php into a custom block and then paste that into a custom block. You will then be able to put that block on any page.
Remember, the helpdesk block is wide, so wouldn't work on a side block if that's what you're looking to do, however I think this should be able to assist you...
Why don't you just put a link or an image saying, contact support or something in a block on the side of your pages. Would probably look cleaner to the customer.
Raaul (Guest)
Raaul (Guest)
Dear Dan,
1) We did added block_support.php code to a custom block and included that block on Product Details Page, but it showed a blank block.
2) We have also activated "Allow to run PHP code" from global setting.
As of now, it is showing a blank block on front end website.
Can you Please throw some light on it, or try it out & let us know.
I will try it out and get back with you by day's end (hopefully)
Okay, I gave you bad information in my email. You need to get it from the templates folder, and will have to modify it a little bit to format your needs:
<DIV class=bl_support>
<TABLE class=introBlock cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" align=center border=0>
<TR class=usual>
<TD vAlign=top>{intro_text} </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR><!-- end intro_block --><!-- begin support_errors -->
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" align=center border=0>
<TR class=errorbg>
<TD vAlign=top align=middle>
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=5 width="100%" border=0>
<TD class=error align=middle><!-- begin db_error -->{DATABASE_ERROR_MSG}<!-- end db_error --> {errors_list} </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR><!-- end support_errors --><!-- begin support_thanks -->
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" align=center border=0>
<TR class=header>
<TD vAlign=top align=middle>
<TABLE cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=5 width="100%" border=0>
<TD class=usual align=middle>
<DIV class=message>{SUPPORT_REQUEST_ADDED_MSG}</DIV></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE><BR><!-- end support_thanks -->
<TABLE class=titleTop cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
<TD class=titleTopLeft><IMG class=titleTopImgLeft alt="" src="http://communityexpansion.com/images/tr.gif"></TD>
<TD class=titleTopCenter>
<TABLE cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 border=0>
<TD class=titleTopRight><IMG class=titleTopImgRight alt="" src="http://communityexpansion.com/images/tr.gif"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE class=block cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
<TD class=blockTD>
<FORM name=support action={support_href} method=post><INPUT type=hidden value={rnd} name=rnd> <INPUT type=hidden value=new name=type> <INPUT type=hidden value={user_support_attachments_url} name=attachments_url> <INPUT type=hidden value=1 name=action> <INPUT type=hidden value=1 name=support_status_id>
<TABLE class=padding6px cellSpacing=1 width="100%" align=center border=0>
<TR class=usual>
<TD class=smallText align=right colSpan=2>{ASTERISK_MSG} </TD></TR>
<TR class=usual>
<TD class={user_name_class} width="40%">{SUPPORT_USER_NAME_FIELD} <SPAN class=required>*</SPAN></TD>
<TD class={user_name_class} width="60%"><INPUT class=text style="WIDTH: 90%" maxLength=64 value={user_name} name=user_name></TD></TR>
<TR class=usual>
<TD class={user_email_class}>{SUPPORT_USER_EMAIL_FIELD} <SPAN class=required>*</SPAN></TD>
<TD class={user_email_class}><INPUT class=text style="WIDTH: 90%" maxLength=128 value={user_email} name=user_email></TD></TR>
<TR class=usual>
<TD><INPUT class=text style="WIDTH: 90%" maxLength=128 value={identifier} name=identifier></TD></TR>
<TR class=usual>
<TD><INPUT class=text style="WIDTH: 90%" maxLength=255 value={environment} name=environment></TD></TR><!-- begin dep_id_block -->
<TR class=usual>
<TD class={dep_class}>{SUPPORT_DEPARTMENT_FIELD} <SPAN class=required>*</SPAN></TD>
<TD class={dep_class}><SELECT class=text name=dep_id> <OPTION value={dep_id_value} selected {dep_id_selected}>{dep_id_description}</OPTION></SELECT> </TD></TR><!-- end dep_id_block --><!-- begin support_product_id_block -->
<TR class=usual>
<TD class={product_class}>{SUPPORT_PRODUCT_FIELD} <SPAN class=required>*</SPAN></TD>
<TD class={product_class}><SELECT class=text name=support_product_id> <OPTION value={support_product_id_value} selected {support_product_id_selected}>{support_product_id_description}</OPTION></SELECT> </TD></TR><!-- end support_product_id_block -->
<TR class=usual>
<TD class={type_class}>{SUPPORT_TYPE_FIELD} <SPAN class=required>*</SPAN></TD>
<TD class={type_class}><SELECT class=text name=support_type_id> <OPTION value={support_type_id_value} selected {support_type_id_selected}>{support_type_id_description}</OPTION></SELECT> </TD></TR><!-- begin profile_properties -->
<TR class=usual id=pp_block_{property_id}>
<TD class={property_class} style="property_style: ">{property_name} <SPAN class=required>{property_required}</SPAN> </TD>
<TD class={property_class} style="property_style: ">{property_control} </TD></TR><!-- end profile_properties -->
<TR class=usual>
<TD class={summary_class}>{SUPPORT_SUMMARY_FIELD} <SPAN class=required>*</SPAN></TD>
<TD class={summary_class}><INPUT class=text style="WIDTH: 90%" value={summary} name=summary></TD></TR><!-- begin attachments_block -->
<TR class=usual>
<TD><A onclick="attachFiles(document.support);return false;" href="http://communityexpansion.com/#"><IMG height=16 src="http://communityexpansion.com/images/clip.gif" width=16 border=0></A>  <A onclick="attachFiles(document.support);return false;" href="http://communityexpansion.com/#">{ATTACHMENTS_MSG}</A> </TD>
<DIV id=attachmentsBlock style="attachments_class: "> <A onclick="attachFiles(document.support);return false;" href="http://communityexpansion.com/#">Attached Files</A>:   <SPAN id=attachedFiles>{attached_files}</SPAN> </DIV></TD></TR><!-- end attachments_block -->
<TR class=usual>
<TD class={description_class} colSpan=2>{SUPPORT_DESCRIPTION_FIELD} <SPAN class=required>*</SPAN></TD></TR>
<TR class=usual>
<TD class={description_class} colSpan=2><TEXTAREA style="WIDTH: 95%" name=description rows=10>{description}</TEXTAREA></TD></TR><!-- begin validation_number_block -->
<TR class=usual>
<TD class={validation_class}>{VALIDATION_CODE_FIELD} <SPAN class=required>*</SPAN></TD>
<TD class={validation_class}> <INPUT class=field size=4 value={validation_number} name=validation_number>  <IMG src="http://communityexpansion.com/validation_image.php" align=absMiddle border=0> </TD></TR><!-- end validation_number_block -->
<TR class=usual>
<TD colSpan=2><SPAN class=submit><INPUT class=submit type=submit value={SUPPORT_REQUEST_BUTTON}></SPAN> </TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></FORM></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE>
<TABLE class=titleBot cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width="100%" border=0>
<TD class=titleBotLeft><IMG class=titleBotImgLeft alt="" src="http://communityexpansion.com/images/tr.gif"></TD>
<TD class=titleBotRight><IMG class=titleBotImgRight alt="" src="http://communityexpansion.com/images/tr.gif"></TD></TR></TBODY></TABLE></DIV>
Raaul (Guest)
Raaul (Guest)
you simply posted block_support.html code, which won't work
I already tried that, it shows broken tables Sad
Can someone post fully working code ?