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WOOHOO! I officially upgraded to a new server!!! ...AND ran into a lot of problems and even more learning. The new server contains windows server 2008(x64) with IIS7.
Windows Server 2008(x64) is an easy follow step-by-step install. The security features are a little wild and confusing at first, but nothing complicated... so... no real need to talk about it.
Setting up IIS7 was easy. Just add the web server(iis) role in the server manager and specify your needs (asp or whatever). click next-next and "let her fly".
PHP5.2.6, at first was a pain because I couldn't find support for x64. After plenty of research, I found that Microsoft and PHP came together and made PHP5 work with FASTCGI. (which is extremely fast!) It's pretty simple to install but there are many different ways to install, so be aware of what you want. Most of the general installation procedures are flaky depending on how you use it, so research around before you make a final decision.
MySQL 5.1 Community Server, is REALLY EASY. Just install, setup, and GO! Want to better your options? Purchase NAVICAT to manage your sql database! It's THE BOMB!
Finally, my small/big problem: Zend Optimizer. I have yet to find a way to get this to work. Most of the time viart doesn't recognize its there or I get 400/500/505 errors. If I add the [Zend] configuration to the PHP.INI, the server crashes and/or stops working. I remove Zend and its right back to running smooth!!! I think the only option here is to install Zend Core, but with more research and hopefully great feedback, Ill find answer. :)
I'll post more as viart support, friends, and helpful programmers alike help me find problematic solutions and hopefully this post will help some people out.
Last modified: 24 Jul 2008 7:50 AM
dravekx (Guest)
dravekx (Guest)
After a vigorous 48 search for an answer, and patience running thin, I found a working solution:
In Windows Server 2008(x64), the c:\windows directory doesnt like to be bothered with php. So, the alternative is to Link the 32bit version of PHPISAPI.DLL as a module handling script as an executable, add a registry entry defining c:\php as a local runner, and leave the php.ini in that directory.
After completing this task, I installed Zend Optimizer and it worked PERFECTLY!
Installing Viart took a little time even on my screamin demon server. Population of the database took about 7-8min with a quadcore x64 AMD processor, but it all works.
Need help? let me know and Ill see what I can do. lol. This has been one crazy experience getting viart into x64.
Also, with Windows Server 2008 (x64), you need to make sure the directories being used are set with the correct permissions (aka IIS7_USERS) otherwise you will see "INTERNAL SERVER ERROR" without an error code.
steveblue (Guest)
steveblue (Guest)
Hi dravekx
its good to hear that you got this working as there seems to be loads of people having trouble getting zend to run on windows server 2008 and iis 7
could you please think about posting a step by step guide on how you got this to work?
abubin (Guest)
abubin (Guest)
yes, a simple tutorial or reference to sites on how to install zend optimizer would be great.
Please help us.
dravekx (Guest)
dravekx (Guest)
Windows Server 2008 (Enterprise) doesn't allow certain directories to have write permissions as a fail safe for better security. As for the install and tutorial, It really depends on your server setup. I am running AMD Opteron Processors which can handle both 32-bit and 64-bit. But here is a simple tutorial:
--------------------(IIS7 SETUP)------------------------------
IIS 7 is now a server role in Windows 2008 Server as opposed to previous versions of Windows Server (2000 and 2003) where IIS was installed as a component.
To add the IIS7 server role, launch the Server Manager: Start => Programs => Administrative Tools => Server Manager
Right-click on Role from the left panel and select Add Roles from the contextual menu. From the Add Roles Wizard, check the Web Server (IIS 7) checkbox. Click on Next until the Roles Services screen.
Here are the options I selected:
*Web Server
- Common HTTP Features: Static Content, Default Document, Directory Browsing, HTTP Errors and HTTP Redirection.
- Application Development: All options.
- Health And Diagnostic: HTTP Logging.
- Security: Request Filtering.
- Performance: Static Content Compression.
* Management Tools: IIS Management Console, IIS Management Scripts And Tools, Management Service
- IIS 6 Managament Compatibility: IIS 6 Metabase Compatibility.
* FTP Publishing Service: All options.
Click on Next again and then on Install. When the installation is completed, you can now access your new IIS 7 web server.
--------------------(PHP5 SETUP)------------------------------
First of all, grab yourself a copy of PHP over at http://www.php.net/downloads.php. DOWNLOAD THE ZIP, not the installer!!! The installer only installs and configures the CGI version of PHP which is not the best solution for an IIS web server. The ISAPI version is easy.
1. Download the latest PHP version for Windows and unzip its content in a temporary folder on your hard disk.
2. When you’re done, create a folder named php at the root of your hard drive (e.g.: c:\php).
3. Move all the content from the extracted archive to c:\php
4. Rename the file c:\php\php.ini-recommended to c:\php\php.ini and open it with your favorite text editor (no word processor).
5. Find the extension_dir parameter and set its value to “c:\php\ext”. Save the file and exit the editor.
6. Launch the registry editor: Start => Run => regedit
7. Create a new key named PHP under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\
8. Right-click on the newly created key and select New => String Value
9. Name the new value IniFilePath and set the value data to C:\php
10. Click on Start => Settings => Control Panel and double-click the System icon (using the class view).
11. Click on the Advanced system settings link from the left column.
12. From the System Properties window, click on the Advanced tab and then on the Environment Variables button at the bottom.
13. Select the Path variable from the System Variables section and click on Edit. Add c:\php to your system path (be sure to include the semi-colon separator).
14. Click on OK until you’ve exited the System Properties window .
15. Launch the Internet Information Services Manager: Start => Programs => Administrative Tools => Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager
16. From the IIS Manager, click on your server’s hostname from the Connections panel on the left. Double-click on Handler Mappings icon.
17. From the Handler Mappings actions panel, click on Add Script Maps.
18. Fill in the following information:
- Request Path: *.php
- Executable: c:\php\php5isapi.dll
19. Click again on your server’s hostname from the left panel and double-click on the ISAPI And CGI Restrictions icon.
20. From the Actions panel on the right click on Add.
21. Fill in the following:
- ISAPI or CGI Path: c:\php\php5isapi.dll
- Description: PHP
22. Click on your server’s hostname form the left panel and double-click on the Default Document icon.
23. Click on Add… from the actions panel on the right.
# Enter index.php in the new default document name and click on OK.
24. Click on your server’s hostname from the left panel and then click on Restart from the actions panel on the right.
25. Create a new text document and save it to c:\inetput\wwwroot\phpinfo.php with the following content:<?php phpinfo(); ?>
If you did everything correctly, you should see the PHP information page at http://your-server-name/phpinfo.php.
--------------------(ZEND SETUP)------------------------------
Zend Optimizer is pretty simple. If you have a 32-bit system, just install and make sure you point the PHP.INI to your C:\php directory.
If your server can handle BOTH, 32-bit and 64-bit, then just install ZEND OPTIMIZER into your C:\program files(x32)\Zend directory.
If your running a straight 64-bit system, the only option at the moment is to install ZEND CORE OR WAIT on Microsoft, PHP, and ZEND to get their act together. (It's coming...have patience!)
------------(If Needed: Final Checklist!)--------------
* DONT FORGET to setup directory permissions!
- c:\php, c:\programfiles(x32)\zend, etc...
* DONT FORGET to configure your PHP.INI!!
- curl, openssl, etc...
dravekx (Guest)
dravekx (Guest)
AFter that, you can install Viart and have half a smile... the other half will come when Viart releases some "FREE and PRETTIER" templates.
WackoCrazyBroad grin
Weazle (Guest)
Weazle (Guest)
Great work!!! One issue, not a biggie - they've changed the downloads, the new link is:
I suppose there's nothing to configure for MySQL then, just install it and nothing else?
Thanks, again,
Hey Scott,
Just follow the install directions for MySQL, if there's any issues, just post them here. I think there was a step I missed after getting this all setup... its been a while. :)
Weazle (Guest)
Weazle (Guest)
One more thing - There's no "ISAPI and CGI Restrictions" icon! I've checked everything and it simply not there! How will this effect "things"?
Weazle (Guest)
Weazle (Guest)
Lol! We crossed posts! Is the missing step adding the ISAPI and CGI restrictions module?!?
Weazle (Guest)
Weazle (Guest)
I don't see it in the Server Roles install list though... Sad
Yep! Thats probably what I missed:
Weazle (Guest)
Weazle (Guest)
Ok, I read that it's supposed to be installed via the "Turn on Windows Features..." but it is also not listed there...
hmmmm.... I'll keep searching and if I figure it before you (the race is on!!!) I''l post my findings here for prosperity!
Weazle (Guest)
Weazle (Guest)
lol! Dang you're quick!
I have any responses set to email. As soon as anyone posts responses, it notifies me as soon as you click "add message" lol
Weazle (Guest)
Weazle (Guest)
Yep, and I've discovered that they are in fact installed! What confused me was the use of the word "again" in step 19. I clicked on my site's name like I did in prior steps. I now realize you stated "hostname", meaning my computer(server)! Maybe just take out the word "again"?
I am soo sorry I bothered you with all this! But it's been I think since IIS3 since I've messed with it!
I now see the light! Thanks to you... you ROCK! (is your avatar really you or is the a Mr. Smith Wink ) The look rocks! My old lady has been attempting to get me to change it!
Weazle (Guest)
Weazle (Guest)
Interesting... I went to do step 21 and it errored out stating that the restriction already existed!
Yeah, Sorry. I did post this a while back and there are 2-3 steps I missed. if i get the chance, I'll go back through install and check for changes and updates. :)
Peter A. Rogov (Guest)
Peter A. Rogov (Guest)
Dravekx, thank you a lot! Great job, useful guide
following your example, i did everything as written and failed to connect to MySQL from PHP script. I spent much time before discovered that current versions of PHP doesn't include MySQL and MySQLi into the PHP Core and have to be connected dynamically. I remind, that default php.ini file comments all the dynamic extensions so you just need to uncomment loading of those libraries!
Using PHP 5.2.6 i used a Thread-Safe version just because Non-Thread-Safe version does not include php5isapi.dll so it makes impossible to use it with IIS.
Everything else worked smooth! Thank you a lot and have fun!
Peter A. Rogov (Guest)
Peter A. Rogov (Guest)
By the way, i missed one more thing: be careful with Application Pools in IIS7 and do not forget to enable 32-bit applications execution in application pool for your site on order to use PHP with 64-bit system.
Nono (Guest)
Nono (Guest)
Installed php5 and followed the instructions to a T. however i was not able to Create a new key named PHP under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\, so skipped it and finished the rest of the installation. Got the error "HTTp Error 404.17 - Not found' when i tried to access the php page. Pls help
Nono, My apologies... Peter followed up the install as I missed certain steps. For the most part, it's correct. Be sure to check your permissions. I will re-post this on my website with an updated version of the install as I have some new server setups coming. :)
Thanks to all who helped!!
Last modified: 26 Sep 2009 5:31 AM
Joe (Guest)
Joe (Guest)
Wall Bash