Our site www.viart.com site is operated by latest Viart Shop 5 with default Clear design
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Hosting Packages

Basic: €19.43
Perfect for users requiring a basic hosting option. This hosting does not include any version of ViArt Shop.

Light: €29.15
Perfect for the basic user, this package comes complete with ViArt Shop Light. Also included is Free Updates Extension, you don't need to buy any extensions to update your license to use with new version.

Standard: €38.87
Includes a copy of ViArt Standard Shop and a greater hosting specification. Also included is Free Updates Extension, you don't need to buy any extensions to update your license to use with new version.

Enterprise: €48.59
Identical specifications as the standard hosting package, however, Enterprise Hosting comes complete with our most popular and powerful shop, ViArt Enterprise. Also included is Free Updates Extension, you don't need to buy any extensions to update your license to use with new version.

Premium: €116.64
Perfect for those who require full and immediate Premium support, our support operators will ensure you receive help on time. This package includes much more disc space and other hosting specification, also included is Free Updates Extension, you don't need to buy any extensions to update your license to use with new version.

Buy Hosting Package Buy extra Disk Space
Full Specification:
Basic Light Standard Enterprise Premium
ViArt Shop Software - ViArt Light ViArt Standard ViArt Enterprise ViArt Enterprise
Install Upgrades - Free Updates Free Updates Free Updates
Premium Support
Disk Space (MB) 100 100 500 1000 Unlimited
Bandwidth (Gb) 20 20 50 50 Unlimited
POP 3 (Email) Accounts 10 10 50 50 Unlimited
Web Interface
PHP 5.4.x, PHP 7.2.x
Set-Up Fee Free Free Free Free Free
Monthly Fee €19.43 €29.15 €38.87 €48.59 €116.64
Yearly Fee (1 month FREE) €212.88 €319.80 €426.73 €533.65 €1359.88

Note: ViArt hosting servers are located in United States and Europe.